Katere so glavne značilnosti peskalnega stroja?
- 2021-06-07-
Številni proizvodni obrati uporabljajostroji za peskanjeker imajo dobre zmožnosti brušenja in nege. Odstranijo lahko rjo / oksidirajo / odstranijo sledi delov, da je površina videti popolnoma posodobljena. To ni ključna točka. Po poliranju imajo deli določeno stopnjo odpornosti, tako da jih lahko uporabimo bolj trpežne in učinkovite. To je tudi namen peskalnega stroja. Naslednji urednik bo govoril o glavnih značilnostih peskalnega stroja.
1. Stabilna in zmogljiva zmogljivost
Ena od značilnostistroj za peskanje is that its performance is sufficiently stable, the effect of shot blasting and the averaging/persistence of the shot blasting rate comparison, the manufacturers can completely refer to the stroj za peskanje manufacturers in the actual put into use. The parameter plan is set, and the parameter setting is based on science, which can maximize the performance of the stroj za peskanje.
2. Prilagodite se tržnim spremembam
Stroj za peskanje is a kind of surface treatment equipment that meets market demand. After several years of continuous expansion and upgrading, there are now more than ten types of stroj za peskanjes, which meet the various needs and needs of users. For example, you are making castings. If you choose a crawler stroj za peskanje, for example, if you are in the steel industry, you choose a through-type stroj za peskanje, so the stroj za peskanje is able to adapt to market changes and meet various needs.
3. Načelo in struktura sta preprosta
Poleg dobrih učinkov in učinkovitosti ima tudi naprava za razstreljevanje kompaktno strukturo in že takoj lahko veste, kateri del lahko igra kakšno vlogo. Načelostroj za peskanje is to shoot through the stroj za peskanje, and it is shot at a certain speed. Among the surface of the workpiece, the surface of the workpiece is subjected to continuous impact and becomes shiny and clean. Of course, what kind of shot material you use depends on what kind of parts you throw.